Monday, February 1, 2010

What Is Mucus In Ladies Ladies How Far Along Where You When You Lost Your Mucus Plug?

Ladies how far along where you when you lost your mucus plug? - what is mucus in ladies

I will be 25 weeks tomorrow and I have no idea that women often lose, or lose your mucus plug. Can they share their stories and how long after you lost your mucus took the job. ^. ^


Olivia's Mommy said...

Hello! I am 40 weeks pregnant tomorrow ... I have my mucous plug into two parts, half to 37 and a half weeks to 38 weeks.
Some women lose before, but it can not recover sufficiently to begin before or after work.

I'm not going to work, however, and I can not wait!

Jessica R said...

I did not lose me, until I (the hospital not too easy to realize I had lost it haha). I've never seen, I think he should wear when my water broke. I was only in work for 4 hours, and if so would, perhaps, is a long work, had left them.
Not to lose, is up to the eve of the work is not worth a look as soon!

Controlled Chaos said...

I do not know when I lost my first, but my second child was very early due to complications so I think I was in the delivery room

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